Coláiste Aindriú Opportunity and Excellence


Coláiste Aindriú participates in DEIS (Delivering Equality of Opportunities in Schools).

This year we began the final year of our DEIS Planning cycle (2021-2024) and it is appropriate at this time that we provide a quick summary of our current status in relation to our DEIS Successes.

The DEIS action planning process in Colaiste Aindriú process works in tandem with our SSE cycle. SSE and DEIS action planning have a shared focus on improving students’ educational experiences and outcomes.

Our DEIS planning process has seven areas. Each staff member works in one area of the DEIS Plan. The DEIS areas are:

  1. Attendance
  2. Examination Attainment
  3. Literacy
  4. Numeracy
  5. Partnership with Parents
  6. Partnership with Others
  7. Transitions

Under each heading there is an outline of the successes in the area


Students are made aware of the importance of attendance and punctuality in relation to their learning, in line with the targets set out in our DEIS plan. As teachers, we support student attendance and punctuality, greeting them at the classroom door each day and welcoming them to the school, and through accurately taking the roll for each lesson.

A daily text is sent to parents informing them of their child’s absence or late to school.

As a school we run an “Everyday Matters” initiative. Attendance postcards are sent home three times a year.


The selection of staff attends a weekly Student Support Meeting. During this meeting student’s attendance is monitored and tracked.

Attendance is tracked and monitored regularly by Year Heads, HSCL teacher and SCP project workers.

The school operates an Attendance and Punctuality Strategy. This is monitored regularly by our Board of Management and is informed by the practices of our Student Support Team, Middle Management Team, HSCL, SCP etc.

At our monthly Student of the Month assembly’s good attendance and punctuality is encouraged. Attendance certs and pens are presented to students with excellent or most improved attendance.


The annual Student Achievement Awards recognises achievement throughout the year. Students are awarded trophies and certs for their achievement.

Activities such as JCSP trips, Christmas and Summer celebrations etc. all encourage retention and attendance.


A Breakfast Club runs every morning for students.

Examination Attainment

As best practice, Learning Intentions are shared at the beginning and end of all lessons. Likewise, students work with our teachers to co-create success criteria, in line with student centered learning.

Inclusion is a central aspect of our school community, which endeavours to provide all students to develop to the best of their ability. As a school, we are embracing Team Teaching, differentiated teaching methodologies and the use of formative feedback in copy books on a regular basis as a means through which we set high expectations for all learners, and ensure that they can engage with their learning in a way which suits their abilities.

Study skills seminars are provided yearly for 3rd and 6th years to ensure students understand the importance and skills of studying.

Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate results are analysed by subject departments annually and an action plan is put into place with each department.

We have started to use Athena Tracking to help us more accurately pinpoint student progress.


Teachers have focused on student’s capacity to read, understand and critically appreciate various forms of communication including oracy, printed text, broadcast media and digital media. This is achieved by each teacher sharing and supporting students to understand key words. Reading is encouraged, in particular in 1st and 2nd year with Literacy classes.

Other initiatives used to support Literacy includes: Word Millionaire, the Lexia Programme to set literacy targets for students, Drop Everything and Read, class trips to the theatre, One Book One Community- Wolfwalkers and Key Word Visual supports.


Teachers are constantly reinforcing the concept of numeracy inside and outside of the classroom. This is achieved by:

Exam and Numeracy Keywords, Numeracy Posters, Maths, Science, Engineering, etc. Weeks, GO Quest Trips, Encouraging students to sit Higher level JC papers, using same model of calculator across the school, Maths Eyes initiative, Clock, Calendar, Class Timetable in each work and a Weekly Numeracy Quiz.


Retention is a central aspect of our school community. All teachers will promote student wellbeing in their classrooms by developing respectful and cooperative learning environment. Relationships are central to the student experience of teaching and learning in Coláiste Aindriú.

Student Council, Student Voice, Restorative Practice and the Student Support Team ensure that all learners have opportunities to work and learn from their peers, and feel supported in their experiences of school.


Early interventions such as support from HSCL, SCP, Year Heads and School Management endavour to provide students with support.


The development and nurturing of transitions for our students is central to our ethos towards Teaching and Learning. Through our use of Academic Tracking, and the links we have developed with other organisation, each of our students has the opportunity to follow their passions and interests when they leave our school community.

In Coláiste Aindriú we have three phases of transitions:

Primary School to 1st Year

Junior to Senior Cycle

Senior Cycle to 3rd Level/Further Ed etc


Primary school to 1st years

Open Night and Day previous September.

TY students visit the primary schools in the town for activities at Christmas and Easter.

Assessments Tests (CAT4 and NGRT) previous March.

HSCL links in with all primary schools and parents from April of the previous year.

Inclusion Co-ordinator links with primary schools of students with SEN.

Induction Evening for parents previous April.

SCP transition programme in the previous May for all 1st years.

Information pack sent to all 1st year parent in the previous June.

Book Rental Scheme.

NCCA Passports collected from primary schools. This information is shared with staff.

SEN information session on 1st years shared with all staff.

All teachers engage in Student Support Planning, develop SMART targets to support SEN students.

Team Teaching in used to support targeted students.

Student Support Team feed information to staff on 1st years.

Taster programme run for eight weeks to allow students select subjects.

Induction Day for all 1st years led by Year Head, SCP, HSCL, RP mentors.

Coffee morning for all 1st year parents in September with HSCL.

Parents classes target 1st year parents.

Tutorial time for 1st years each morning for eight minutes.

Year Head to support code of behaviour and pastoral care.

TY RP mentors support the 1st years throughout the year.

Two Parent Teacher meetings a year for 1st years.

RP postcards sent home to target students with RP values.

Board curricular options and subjects for 1st years.

All 1st years are registered with JCSP. Students are involved in their statements, literacy & numeracy initiatives, Christmas & Summer celebrations, and Wellbeing initiatives.

Athena tracking is used to attainment.

SPHE and Wellbeing programme supports induction.

Student of the Month nomination postcards sent home monthly.

Attendance drive three times a year to promote attendance and punctuality.

Music Generation guitar classes provided to all 1st years to support induction.

Partnership with Parents and Others

Coláiste Aindriú continues to develop and maintain positive relationships with parents and others.

Coláiste Aindriú
Muine Bheag, Co. Carlow, Ireland R21EH27
Contact Us
059 972 1335
© 2025 Coláiste Aindriú